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Standard Terminology



Author: Huang Rui technology


1. Upper limit category temperature: The maximum ambient temperature for the continuous operation determined by the capacitor design;


2. Lower limit category temperature: The lowest ambient temperature that the capacitor design can determine to work continuously;


3. Rated voltage (UR): at the lower limit of class temperature and rated temperature between any temperature, can be continuously applied to the maximum DC voltage of the capacitor or pulse voltage peak;


4. Class Voltage (UC): The maximum voltage that a capacitor can continuously apply to a capacitor at the upper category temperature;


5. Temperature Derating Voltage: The maximum voltage that can be continuously applied to the capacitor at any temperature between the rated temperature and the upper category humidity;


6.Climate category: The climatic category of the capacitor belongs to the three numbers separated by slash [Example: 55/125 / 21--55,125 indicates that the operating temperature range of the capacitor is -55 ℃ ~ 125 ℃, 21 means the hot and humid (Stable) test days];


7. Capacity temperature coefficient (ac): Capacitor temperature within the specified temperature range with the rate of change;


8. Insulation resistance: the DC resistance between the two terminals of the capacitor, or the DC resistance between the shell and the one or two terminals of the terminal;


9. Time constant (t): insulation resistance and capacitance of the product;


10. loss tangent (tanδ): in the specified sine wave voltage, the capacitor loss rate divided by the capacitor reactive power;


11. Self-healing: capacitor dielectric breakdown, the electrical characteristics of the capacitor quickly and basically restored to the breakdown before the value of the process;


12. Reverse voltage: applied to the capacitor terminal on the opposite polarity and voltage;


13. Residual voltage: the capacitor off the power supply after a certain period of time between the carbonyl residue voltage.

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