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Contact us

  Jinzhou Rui Huang capacitor Co., Ltd.
  Address: West liberation road, Jinzhou City, Liaoning Province
Zip code: 121000
Tel: 13840651656
0416-2668928 0416-2668939 0416-2668918
Fax: 0416-2668929
Online QQ:84554218 1933159214
URL: http://www.jzdrq.com
Email: click on the email address directly contact us oh!
Office: bgs@jzdrq.com
Sales Department: xs@jzdrq.com
Purchasing department: cg@jzdrq.com
Department of Technology: js@jzdrq.com
Human resources department: hr@jzdrq.com
Please refer to our office for the specific business personnel, or directly with the business staff to obtain.

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Jinzhou Rui Huang capacitor Co., Ltd. all rights reserved.    
Address: Xining province Jinzhou city Liaoning Taihe District No. 41
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