…… Product list ……
High voltage power
capacitor series
 ·BF(A)M High voltage shunt capacitor
 ·AF(A)M High voltage filter capacitor
 ·BAMH High voltage set shunt capacitor
 ·FFM High voltage protective capacitor
 ·RFM High voltage electric heating capacitor
Low voltage power
capacitor series
 ·BKMJ Low voltage dry self healing capacitor
 ·BSMJ Low voltage self healing capacitor
 ·AKMJ Low voltage dry filter capacitor
 ·ASMJ Low voltage self healing filter capacitor
 ·MKPS Low voltage shunt capacitor
 ·BKMJ Low voltage capacitor special for ore smelting furnace
 ·RHZN Intelligent capacitor
 ·BFM Low voltage non self healing capacitor
  Capacitance voltage
absorber series
 ·LG type Dry type high-voltage capacitance absorber
 ·ZR type overvoltage absorber
 ·CJ type Oil absorber
 ·1140V Mine resistance capacitance absorber
 ·GS type Oil immersed overvoltage absorber
 ·Overvoltage protector
 ·RCR type Overvoltage absorber special resistance
  Motor capacitor series
 ·CBB60 type running capacitor
 ·CBB61 type fan capacitor
 ·CBB65 type air conditioner capacitor
 ·CD60 type starting capacitor
  DC capacitor series
 ·Pulse capacitor
 ·Discharge capacitor
 ·Supporting capacitor
 ·Filter capacitor
  Reactor series
 ·Low voltage series reactor
 ·High voltage series reactor
 ·Enter and out Line reactor
 ·Discharge coil
  High voltage compen-
sation device
 ·High voltage reactive power local compensation device
 ·High voltage reactive power automatic compensation device
 ·High voltage reactive power compensation device for mine heat furnace
 ·High voltage reactive power compensation device on column
  Series of low voltage
compensation device
 ·Low voltage reactive power automatic compensation device
 ·Low voltage passive filter compensation device
 ·Low voltage three-phase unbalanced reactive power compensation device
 ·Special reactive power compensation device for low pressure mine heat furnace
  Dynamic compensa-
tion device
 ·High voltage TSC type dynamic reactive power compensation device
 ·High voltage MCR type dynamic reactive power compensation device
 ·On load voltage regulating type compensation device
 ·APF type active filter compensation device
 ·SVG type dynamic filter compensation device
  Complete sets of components series
 ·High voltage controller
 ·Low pressure controller
 ·Silicon controlled switch
 ·Low voltage composite switch
 ·High voltage capacitor special fuse

Resistance cage




Resistance cage

First, the use of

Without a sense resistor is mainly used to limit the current in the power system of RWG series line, reduce the voltage or adjust the system parameters, is widely used in AC filter and overvoltage damping absorption device or neutral grounding system, requirements of residual inductance in rare occasions.

Two, structure and its characteristics

Series type without a sense resistor with high resistance alloy wire, high temperature resistant, alkali free glass fiber with high strength as weft, with no sense of weaving woven. Each unit of resistance is made of high temperature insulation silicon varnish, so that all the resistance units are both rigid and flexible. The resistor body has the advantages of small volume, light weight, high insulation strength, good heat radiation effect, and greatly improves the reliability of the resistor.

Three, the use of conditions

1, system voltage: 6KV, 10KV, 35KV, 110KV, 220KV, 500KV;
2, frequency: 50~60Hz;
Altitude: 3, less than 1000 meters, if there are special requirements separately;
4, ambient temperature: -40 degrees C ~+40;
5, installation location: indoor / outdoor (selected by the use of units);
6, installation place: should be no corrosive gas, no conductive and explosive dust;
7, if there are special places to be ordered before ordering.

Four, the main technical parameters

1, system voltage: 6500KV;
2, rated frequency: 50~60Hz;
3, nominal resistance: 0.1 20K ohm;
4, manufacturing deviation: 0.5%, 5%, 10% (20 C under DC resistance);
5, temperature coefficient: no more than 8 * 10-5/;
6, long-term over current: 1.1ln;
7, insulation: GB311.1 high voltage power transmission equipment with "insulation".


Jinzhou Rui Huang capacitor Co., Ltd. all rights reserved.    
Address: Xining province Jinzhou city Liaoning Taihe District No. 41
zip code: 121000 Tel: 86-0416-2668918/928/939 Fax:86-0416-2668929 QQ:1196459069 1933159214 辽ICP备2023000370号   weixin   weibo