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Reasonable Range of Power Factor


Power supply sector is generally according to the level of power factor and according to a certain ratio of income reduction or collection of electricity, said the power factor to adjust tariffs, this policy forcing users to improve power factor, whether for the power sector or power users, the power factor is not The higher the better, when the power factor is equal to 1.0, the inductive current and capacitive current completely offset, the power grid prone to resonance, will have resonance over-voltage, which is detrimental to the grid and the user, or even dangerous.

For the user, when the power factor to a certain extent, the role of reducing the current on the line to become smaller and smaller, and economic benefits is not obvious, the power factor is generally about 0.95 is appropriate, should not exceed 0.98, but not over compensation.

Rui Huang company will be specific to the user given the appropriate solution for the power industry is to contribute to the power of one of the company''''''''s social responsibility. Rui Huang Technology Company will be dedicated to the general user services.

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